WebsiteBaker Modules, Snippets, Admin-Tools

2 add-ons found


user rating: average score 3.0, by 2 votesaverage score 3.0, by 2 votesaverage score 3.0, by 2 votesaverage score 3.0, by 2 votesaverage score 3.0, by 2 votes

Hot Page ModuleWB approved Page Module

This Form-module allows you to create customised online forms, such as a feedback form.

Developer Luisehahne
Version 3.4.1
License GPL
Latest add-ons update 2023-01-13 10:57 UTC
Download Counter 1527

mpForm - Multi Purpose Form Module

user rating: average score 4.4, by 38 votesaverage score 4.4, by 38 votesaverage score 4.4, by 38 votesaverage score 4.4, by 38 votesaverage score 4.4, by 38 votes

Hot Page ModuleWB approved Page Module
mpForm - Multi Purpose Form Module

This module allows you to create customised online forms with WebsiteBaker CMS. It has expanded features compared to WebsiteBakers Core Module (which is shipped with the WB installation).

Developer Frank Heyne, NorHei, Christian M. Stefan (Stefek), Martin Hecht
Version 1.3.43
License GNU/GPL
Latest add-ons update 2022-11-22 06:53 UTC
Download Counter 8856