WebsiteBaker Modules, Snippets, Admin-Tools

Download Gallery v3.1.6.2

user rating: average score 4.5, by 10 votesaverage score 4.5, by 10 votesaverage score 4.5, by 10 votesaverage score 4.5, by 10 votesaverage score 4.5, by 10 votes (click to vote)

Download Gallery v3.1.6.2

Great frontend download and upload manager. Handles all file types.

License GPL
Latest add-ons update 2023-02-09 11:14 UTC
Download Counter 3529
Developer Frank Heyne
Addon type Page Module
Category Page content
WebsiteBaker Version 2.13 (minimum)
PHP Version 8.0 | 8.1
Forum Discussion (DE) Click here to visit

Download and upload manager which can handle almost all file types. Very configurable. Eg:
- Nice table view with Name, date uploaded, file size, nr. of downloads etc.
- Long description with WYS editor
- Custom selection and/or creation file types
- Auto implementation file icon
- CSS file for heavy modification
- Creating groups
- Filter results
- Sorting
- Etc... etc...

Release history

CHANGELOG Version 3.0.0dev15 04-01-2019
added toggle show/hide description

CHANGELOG Version 3.0.0dev14 03-11-2019
added show timezone

CHANGELOG Version 3.0.0dev11 02-26-2019
Typofix n line (193) or (/modules/download_gallery/save_file.php):

CHANGELOG Version 3.0.0dev11 02-09-2019
Split Settings and Layout Saving

CHANGELOG Version 3.0.0dev10 02-02-2019
Some small Layout Fixes

CHANGELOG Version 3.0.0dev9 02-01-2019
added help modal dialogbox

CHANGELOG Version 3.0.0dev8 01-30-2019
Added Reorganisation Position Button,

CHANGELOG Version 3.0.0dev7 01-30-2019
Bug fixed error in SQL syntax;

CHANGELOG Version 3.0.0dev6 01-22-2019
CHANGELOG Version 3.0.0dev5 01-22-2019
fixed issues by installing DLG more as one section per pages
add new div frontend.css line 33/61 selector .dlg-search-container

CHANGELOG Version 3.0.0dev4 01-22-2019
Fixed output position the same in backend and frontend
Don't forget to change your frontendUser.css, pls compare with frontend.css to see what is newest

CHANGELOG Version 3.0.0dev3 01-21-2019
Beginning with security fixes in sql statements

CHANGELOG Version 3.0.0dev2 01-19-2019
fixed ordering groups and files, setting separate groups- and files sorting
disable sorting button in frontend, if files sorting is selected.
You can select between two Layoutsettings, we are in progress that you can create or modify and save your own layoutx, without overwriting bei module upgrade!
The package already included
a) Default Layout
b) Scroll Layout with fixed header
Don't forget to change selectors in your frontendUser.css. Start a compare with the frontend.css

Version 3.0.0dev1 at 18-01-2019
recoding structur in file view.php for overviewed development changes

Version 2.90 at 17-01-2019
+ added selector dlg-group-description with optional attribute
+ to preserve line break in textarea at the end of your frontendUser.css

Version 2.89 at 16-01-2019
fixed sorting release filedate

Version 2.88 at 16-01-2019
Fix Frontend Field Sorts, relased date shows rcorrect file date
add cell with placeholder [@RELEASED] [@RELTIME] in default layout
changed - surpress deleting the download_gallery folder in media
change group description input field to textarea

Version: 2.87 at 15.01.2019 (Luisehahne)
Typofix Error in a script call
BugFix Drag und Drop Files
Fix wrong Targeturl for ajax-loader.gif File

Version: 2.86 at 14.01.2019 (Luisehahne)
+ bugfix remove inline javascript in a tags

Version: 2.85 at 14.01.2019 (Luisehahne)
+ add missing description in default layout
+ extended group title

Version: 2.84 at 14.01.2019 (Luisehahne)
+ typofix groups sql statement

Version: 2.83 at 14.01.2019 (Luisehahne)
+ bugfix install and upgrade added missing field in groups

Version: 2.82 at 13.01.2019 (Luisehahne)
upgrade - remove from from link absolute url and hardcodet /media
- has to be the same url
- empty layout fields will be filled with presets
+ add button "save and back" links
+ add short input description field to groups
+ help page will be load in a new browser tab
+ bugfix rounded filesize settings
+ disable page per side, user upload and captcha

Version: 2.81 at 12.01.2019 (Luisehahne)
change upgrade, set only default layout if empty fields

Version: 2.81 at 12.01.2019 (Luisehahne)
change file[link] format in database without /media prefix for dynamically handling

Version: 2.79/2.80 at 12.01.2019 (Luisehahne)
+ bugfix download link

Version: 2.78 at 12.01.2019 (Luisehahne)
+ fix search reset

Version: 2.77 at 10.01.2019 (Luisehahne)
+ fix missing user, set modified_by to adminstrator

Version: 2.76 at 09.01.2019 (Luisehahne)
+ fix missing index unixtime

Version: 2.75 at 09.01.2019 (Luisehahne)
+ fix broken search

Version: 2.74 at 06.03.2018 (jacobi22)
+ fix broken download

Version: 2.73 at 05.03.2018 (jacobi22)
+ fix absolute path in save_file.php
+ add some style's

Version: 2.72 at 05.03.2018 (jacobi22)
+ fix path in dlc.php

Version: 2.71 at 05.03.2018 (jacobi22)
+ fix error-messages in dlc.php

Version: 2.70 at 05.03.2018 (jacobi22)
+ set Version to 2.70, because, there are other versions 2.67 & 2.68
+ fix error-messages in upgrade.php

Version: 2.63 at 22.02.2018 (jacobi22)

+ add Changelog-file
+ fix install.php
+ fix add.php for mysql-Strict Mode
- remove preprocess
- remove all cellpadding & cellspacing
+ repair multidimensional language indizes
+ add w3.css to fix the modify_extension-popup
+ fix add_file for mysql-strict-mode
- remove addslashes()

Version 2.61 modified (02-01-2013) by Frank Heyne
+ Added new field description for release date in help file, thanks to Lothar Matter

Version 2.60 modified (01-18-2013) by Frank Heyne
+ Added new field for release date of the document

Version 2.51 modified (01-04-2013) by Frank Heyne
+ Fixed Updated NL language file, thanks to Andre de Winkel
+ Fixed Bug fix in modify_settings.php, thanks to Andre de Winkel

Version 2.50 modified (10-01-2012) by Frank Heyne
+ Fixed Upload does now work under Lepton 1.1
+ Fixed Upload does only allow registered file types now

Version 2.40 modified (12-09-2011) by Frank Heyne
+ Added Option to decide whether "Save File" dialogue is shown or file will become opened in the browser

Version 2.30 modified (08-07-2011) by Frank Heyne
+ Added Compatibility with Lepton
+ Added Possibility to reset download counter

Version 2.22 modified (12-14-2010) by Frank Heyne
+ Fixed backend security

Version 2.21 modified (09-10-2009) by Frank Heyne
+ Fixed backend security, thanks to doc!

Version 2.20 modified (09-05-2009) by Frank Heyne
+ Fixed problem with wrong mime types
+ Fixed some bugs, partly security related

Version 2.13 modified (08-26-2009) by Frank Heyne
+ Added ability to add links to files on Windows network shares (they do only work with IE!)
+ Fixed download links now are no longer guessable

Version 2.12 modified (08-20-2009) by Frank Heyne
+ Fixed install.php, thanks aldus!

Version 2.10 modified (06-14-2009) by Frank Heyne
+ Added to user upload: possibility to add file group
+ Added to user upload: made captcha optional
+ Fixed in user upload: sorted php, html and css code into different files
+ Added new place holder for anchor: [FID] will create an anchor called "A"+file_id (this will not work when the list goes over multiple pages, so use with care!)
+ Fixed in the backend: html validation errors (as far as module code is concerned)

Version 2.05 modified (04-27-2009) by Frank Heyne
+ Merged dlc.php and dl.php, removed dl.php
+ Fixed bug which did disallow downloads from restricted pages with multiple groups (except for admins)

Version 2.00 modified (12-23-2008) by Frank Heyne
+ Added: possibility to add remote links to the list
+ Added: possibility to sort list by title, date, size and downloads
(currently sort buttons must be placed into $setting_file_header)
+ place holders for sort buttons are: [THTITLE], [THCHANGED], [THSIZE], [THCOUNT]
+ Changed: modified_when from time stamp of the entry to the last write date of the file
+ Fixed: warnings which happened when run with PHP error level E_ALL&E_STRICT
+ Fixed: moved frontend css into separate file
+ Changed: minor improvements

Version 1.91 modified (12-06-2008) by Christian Sommer
+ Added: some access restrictions and .htaccess file to: /media/download_gallery/

Version 1.8 modified (11-30-2006) by RSmith
+ Added: Searchfilter
+ Fixed: Upgrade script only upgrades new fields

Version 1.7 modified (11-19-2006) by RSmith
+ Added: Download Gallery Groups added

Version 1.6 modified (10-16-2006) by Rsmith
+ Added: Addititonal Upload Settings - none, publc, registered
+ Added: Download rights based on page settings, Public or registered
+ Added: File URL hidden so not easily found and linkable

Version 1.5 modified (09-12-2006) by Ruebenwurzel
+ Fixed: install script now supports mysql5 strict mode

Version 1.4 modified (5-15-2006) by RSmith
+ Fixed: File deleting only deletes the file when the file is no longer used in any download gallery section
+ Fixed: Section deleting only deletes the file when it is no longer used in any section
+ Added: Ability to select any file from the MEDIA_DIRECTORY & subdirectorys
+ Added: Can only delete files that have been uploaded via, download gallery
+ Added: Automatic delete of empty/unsaved records
+ Added: Sort records ascending / descending
+ Added: Sort records manualy or by title
+ Added: Sort records by extension, ascending or descending
+ Added: User based uploading files now enabled/disabled via admin
+ Added: Overwrite - If a file exists in any download gallery section it will not be overwritten unless the Overwrite checkbox is checked
+ Added: Download Counter for the number of times the file has been downloaded
+ Added: Added additional Lanugage File entries
+ Added: Hides extension sort setting when Ordered Manualy in the setting admin

Version 1.3 modified (3-10-2006) by Ruebenwurzel
+ Added: WYSIWYG for the Description Field

Version 1.1 modified (12-28-2005) by Ruebenwurzel
+ Added: Language support to modify extension windows
+ Fixed: Bug in modify extension window
+ Changed: Minor layout changes in admin Interface
+ Fixed: Code cleaning and all files stored in UNIX

Version 1.0 modified (12-01-2005) by Woudloper
+ Initial Release: all the available features

Last change 2023-02-09 11:21 UTC by Harald Spring