WebsiteBaker Modules, Snippets, Admin-Tools


user rating: average score 3.8, by 4 votesaverage score 3.8, by 4 votesaverage score 3.8, by 4 votesaverage score 3.8, by 4 votesaverage score 3.8, by 4 votes (click to vote)

Hot Page ModuleWB approved Page Module


The default news-modul to display news and articles

Version 3.9.21
License GPL
Latest add-ons update 2022-04-20 13:05 UTC
Download Counter 3175
Developer Ryan Djurovich, Rob Smith, Dietrich Roland Pehlke, Manuela v.d.Decken, Dietmar Wöllbrink
Developer Homepage Click here to visit
Addon type Page Module
Category News & Blogs
WebsiteBaker Version 2.13.0 (minimum)
PHP Version 8.0.x

WB 2.8.3 SP 4 (Sept. 2014) comes up within some massiv codechanges inside the view.php.
For SP5 (Dec 2015) the FTAN-Method for secure forms inside the module was implemented.
WB 2.8.3 SP 7 (Sept. 2016)
Add missing TIMEZONE in view.php line 445 in Vers 3.6.4
Add missing Publishing Enddate in modify-post.php in Vers 3.6.5

Extra massiv codechanges for WebsiteBaker 2.12.2
Set news Version to 3.9.12 (actually)

Release history

Version 3.9.21 03.Apr 2022
some Typehints fixes for php 8.x
Version 3.9.18 03.Mar 2022
replace strftime with an own function
Version 3.9.12 06. Jun 2019
Version 3.6.5 14. Sep 2016
Version 3.6.4 15. Sep 2016
Version 3.6.3-dev 15. Mae 2016
Version 3.5.9 15. Dec 2015
Version 3.5.8 18. Sep 2015
Version 3.5.7 30. Mrz 2013
Version 3.5.6 11. Dec 2011
Version 3.5.5 25. Jun 2011
Version 3.5 24. Jan 2010
Version 3.3 16. Dec 2009
Version 2.8 25. Feb 2009
Version 2.7 24. Feb 2009

Last change 2022-04-20 13:19 UTC by WebsiteBaker Addons Project