WebsiteBaker Modules, Snippets, Admin-Tools

WebsiteBaker Unzip File

user rating: average score 5.0, by 1 voteaverage score 5.0, by 1 voteaverage score 5.0, by 1 voteaverage score 5.0, by 1 voteaverage score 5.0, by 1 vote (click to vote)

Very Hot Admin ToolWB approved Admin Tool

WebsiteBaker Unzip File

unzip.php helps you to extract zip archives of WB fixes and WebsiteBaker packages. Reduce the transfer volume, avoid upload errors, to save time.

Version 2.20
License GPLv3
Latest add-ons update 2023-01-11 18:43 UTC
Download Counter 5719
Developer Luisehahne
Addon type Admin Tool
Category System Tools
WebsiteBaker Version 2.13.3 (minimum)
PHP Version php 8.x

  • rename to unzip.php (not really a archiv file)
  • upload unzip.php to the root of your WB installation
  • upload WB fix zip or WB full package zip to the root of your WB installation
  • run unzip.php in your browser (
  • login in your backend as Super-Admin (admin with id 1) and run upgrade-script via upgrade link or via wb-info panel (i-button)

The unzip.php and the WB zip delete themselves if checked after the successful execution of the unzip.php.

Release history

2018-10-14 Initial Version
2020-06-15 input settings
2020-08-04 prevent Addons from extracting

Last change 2023-01-11 18:43 UTC by WebsiteBaker Addons Project