WebsiteBaker Modules, Snippets, Admin-Tools

WebsiteBaker 2.13.5 stable

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Very Hot Complete WB-PackagesWB approved Complete WB-Packages

WebsiteBaker 2.13.5 stable
Version 2.13.5
License GPL
Latest add-ons update 2023-12-21 18:49 UTC
Download Counter 1016
Developer Luisehahne
Addon type Complete WB-Packages
Category Full Package
WebsiteBaker Version 2.13.5 (minimum)
PHP Version 8.1.x

Release history

Changelog Version 2.13.5 R220 20-12-2023
Update phplib to strict mode for php 8 and higher to fix backslash issue
Remove magic_quote calls in pclzip
update set_var integer parameter to string in settings
Update CKEditor4 to last Version 4.22.1
Update Twig to Version3.7.0 (2023-07-26)
Update PHPMailer to Version 6.8.0 (March 6th, 2023)
Latest available Composer version 2.6.3 (stable channel)
Remove $_Session['GROUP_ID']
Change user.group_id from value 1 == Adminstrator if Group changed to another one
Update media management resize transparent png images
1)  button not active:
    Images will be uploaded with their own dimension
2)  button active:
    first try to resize from values of media folder or corresponding media subfolder
    if no size values exists in media then images try to resize from
    base setting in option general setting otherwise none of uploaded will be resized
    transparent png images are basically resized if setting are smaller than png size
    otherwise keep their size and transparency
3)  Remove compression settings to media management


Last change 2023-12-31 11:58 UTC by WebsiteBaker Addons Project