WebsiteBaker Modules, Snippets, Admin-Tools

Another image gallery

user rating: average score 3.4, by 11 votesaverage score 3.4, by 11 votesaverage score 3.4, by 11 votesaverage score 3.4, by 11 votesaverage score 3.4, by 11 votes (click to vote)

Another image gallery

Simply create a gallery by selecting a directory in the media folder. Another Image Gallery will create the thumbnails. (Using the gallery script from Daniel Wacker. )

Version 2.5.6
License GPL
Latest add-ons update 2023-02-10 09:48 UTC
Download Counter 37159
Developer Daniel Wacker, M. Gallas, R. Smith, M. Fuenkner, msfrog
Addon type Page Module
Category Images & Galleries
WebsiteBaker Version 2.13.2 (minimum)
PHP Version 8.0 | 8.2
Forum Discussion (EN) Click here to visit

  • Shows all Images in a Folder and his Subfolders (could be turned of or on) wich could be uploaded via FTP
  • Creates automaticly Thumbnails ( Size, number of pics per page, and thumbsdirname free choosable)
  • Filename and titlename can be turned of or on
  • CSS styles editable in the admin interface

Release history

v2.5.6 09.Feb. 2023 - Jacobi22
+ fix memory_limit error under PHP 8.0.x (thx to hgs)

v2.5.5 09.Feb. 2023 - Jacobi22
quixfix for view.php
repair language files to new format
fix delete.php
fix createZebraImages.php

v2.5.3 11.Jul. 2022 - Luisehahne
quixfix for php8.1

v2.4.5 11.Jul. 2022 - Luisehahne
quixfix for php8.1

v2.4 - 24.Sep.2018 - dbs
(based on the v2.3 from user msfrog)
- fix exception eregi in view.php (v2.2)
- fix notice unknown modifier "?" in view.php (v2.3)
- filled empty frontend.css (from v2.3 with the content of frontend.css in v2.2)

Last change 2023-02-12 19:48 UTC by WebsiteBaker Addons Project